Chronic heel pain and Shockwave Therapy (ECSWT)

Anyone who has suffered from long-term heel pain knows just how debilitating it can be. Pain is usually experienced first thing in the morning or after long periods on our feet. This pain can make even the simplest day-to-day activities like walking the dog a daunting task.

What exactly is causing my heel pain?

Pain on the underside of the heel can be caused by a number of reasons, but by far the most common is plantar fasciopathy (or fasciitis).

Plantar fasciopathy put simply, is when the plantar fascia - a fibrous band of connective tissue running from the bottom of the heel into the toes has become overworked, worn down and behaves angrily.


But why has this happened to me?

Plantar fasciopathy can be caused by a number of different internal and external factors. Some of the most common include:

  • Foot mechanics - flat feet or high arches

  • Tight calf muscles

  • Weight gain

  • Sudden increase in activity

  • Inappropriate or unsupportive footwear

  • Extended periods standing/walking on hard or unstable surfaces

  • Increased age

  • Pregnancy

What is shockwave therapy (ECSWT) and how can it help?

When heel pain has been around a long time (ie. greater than 6 weeks)  it is defined as a chronic condition.

Heel pain gets a little more difficult to heal once it becomes chronic as tissue changes occur in the plantar fascia that compromise healing.


This is where shockwave comes in!

Shockwaves, or radial shockwaves are high-energy acoustic sound waves which are transmitted through the skin and into the underlying tissues.

This may assist in breaking down stiff and rigid tissue in the area, increasing blood flow to stimulate tissue repair and healing factors in the affected area.

ECSWT is a very safe and effective treatment that our Podiatrists have used for over 6 years now with great success to not just treat heel pain but also chronic tendon injuries.  More information on ECSWT can be found here.

How long does it take to work?

Everyone responds a little differently to shockwave but a typical treatment protocol will involve 3-5 sessions at weekly intervals.

Will I need any other treatment than shockwave to fix my heel pain?

While the evidence behind shockwave therapy success is very strong, it is only a part of the recovery puzzle.

Shockwave works brilliantly at eliciting a healing response in the body and providing pain relief, but we also to look at the reason the pain has happened in the first place - Too much load on the plantar fascia.

For this we complete a full biomechanical assessment of the way you move, identify the reasons causing the pain and implement strategies to help offload the painful plantar fascia.

These may include a combination of:

  • Footwear advice/changes

  • Flexible orthotics

  • Taping

  • Stretching/Massage

  • Dry needling

  • Strength program

If you have any other questions about shockwave and think this may be suitable for you, message, or book in with one of our Podiatrists for an assessment. 



Jason Cook